I'm using a civ I created but its a simple prosperous unification origin so I don't believe its related. 10 Asteroid Collision 2 id 60 - 355 2. I'm using a civ I created but its a simple prosperous unification origin so I don't believe its related. GetName]'s crew, thought lost to the. I found a breathing Rift Event Chain and just wanted to post possibilities of. It is likely the immense gravitational pull of the rift has at some point inhaled in other things, as well. The second option is to add a permanent +4 physics modifier to the system. The missing members of the [Root. Lem 3. 6? Got this pretty cool event (happening on my homeworld; not sure iof it is alwys on homeworld or any colony). 3 Asteroid Fauna 1. The last option is to simply receive experience fo the scientist who discovered it. Light Phenomenon 1 = Breathing Rift = Breath In, Breathe Out project,. I can't find any entries for rifts on the tech tree. Breathing Rift Even Chain Hey all, just the new story pack and was wondering about the Beathing Rift Event Chain is it worth it to go down this route at all, I can't seem to find any hint of this one online so this is a total mystery to me. We should exercise caution. 1. The first option issues a special project. GetName]'s crew, thought lost to the dimensional rift, have reappeared. . Anyone got any ideas about this? This thread is archived Light Phenomenon 1 = Breathing Rift = Breath In, Breathe Out project, 180 days = 378 minerals, three more possible events = 236 energy, 85 engineering, three more possible events = rift closes, 182 physics Did they overbuffed the Breathing Rift event? Hello guys, I've got like 5 times the energy + engineering and 5 times the minerals in 10 years from this event lol (currently playing, I wonder how many times it will trigger). They hailed us from aboard an unknown vessel, not entirely dissimilar to our own science ships, idling close to where the [Root. 1. The missing members of the [Root. 0. The rift not only refracts and blocks light, but seems to actually draw it in. They take the form of a pop-up notification on the player’s screen, which may present a player with a choice, or may simply inform the player of the consequences and require they acknowledge the event has occurred. There are a whole range of events in the game, which can result in positive, negative and mixed outcomes for a player’s empire. 8 Automated Mining Base 1. 1 Coprolite Asteroid 1. So I got The Dimensional rift event and my science ship just showed back. I can't find any entries for rifts on the tech tree. 1. Did they overbuffed the event? Or it's just me? (I have minimal mods, only UI and popgrowth) version 3. 6 Junkyard 1. Then later on a rift opens up and a hostile fleet appear (about 300 strength). 9 Weapons Target Range 1. I found a breathing Rift Event Chain and just wanted to post possibilities of this anomaly. 5 Derelict Shipyard 1. The rift not only refracts and blocks light, but seems to actually draw it in and then push it out, repeatedly - as if it were breathing photons. 4 Asteroid Fossils 1. Haven't seen it before and can't find any info on it. Lem 3. Did they overbuffed the Breathing Rift event? Hello guys, I've got like 5. Think you first got a "negative mass harvest" (or something) modifier. Breathing Rift Even Chain Hey all, just the new story pack and was. 7 Crashed Scout Craft 1. . 2 Pirate Treasure 1. Haven't seen it before and can't find any info on it. GetName] originally experienced the dimensional disturbance. 1 1 id 1 - 55 1. 1 Exotic Radiation New to 3. 1.